In July a group of youth leaders from a nearby church asked us if we would help train them on using technology and communications tools and skills for the church.
With some basic training on video editing and design tools, they are off to a great start.
Now we are working on project planning to help with their efforts to equip the young people of their community with discipleship and practical life skills as well (A fun brainstorming session with the church youth leaders above).
These leaders are excited about training up local believers and discipling the young people in their community and we’re excited to see how God uses their efforts to disciple a new generation in their rural community.
After meeting and doing visual projects with lighting, basic graphic design, photography and video production, Michael led the team through the steps of idea development and brainstorming to develop some of the ideas and projects they’ve wanted to do but hadn’t planned out.
We are excited about this church and their efforts to reach the young people in their communities and to develop them spiritually, educationally, and in practical ways to help reduce the evaporation of local talent who often leave the community because of lack of education, work, and opportunities.

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