Art brings people together they say.
So…we used art to bring kids closer to Christ.
For seven weeks in January and February, we had the opportunity to team up with Authenikos, an organization that sends art teams to Guatemala, and have been working with an intern artist who is teaching our DiscipleTec art class. We finished week six last week and an exhibition and reception is planned for the final class parents for February 27.
This is part of our children’s outreach called DiscipleTec that includes studying the Bible along with creative projects, science, tutorials, and interactive classes to help connect 11- to 15-year olds with Christ.
Sharing about God’s creativity Presenting the art work Parents joined us for the exhibition Making art together Lots of colors Writing in art journals. Ellie teaching the art class Scratch art verses! Home made Scratch art Lots of little artists A portrait Ellie working with Yowan & Juan Carlos Art Faces Making faces
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