When two hurricanes passed Guatemala one after another in November, they left floods that swept away homes, crops and hope. Families in hard-hit regions lost more than homes and crops to the floodwaters. Some lost their livelihoods. Others lost hope.
When two storms ruined homes, some lost hope, others reached out.
On the outskirts of Aguacatan in the Western Highlands, the San Juan River meanders through fields of corn, tomatoes, onion, garlic and other crops. But just a few weeks ago this river was a raging torrent that carved out a new channel destroying nearly 25 houses. Some were reduced to piles of rubble, others are just a memory .
Even though no lives were lost in the floods in Aguacatan, for the families who lost their homes the loss is great. For those who lost the fertile topsoil that once fed fields of crops and provided income for their families, it can be hard for them to see how they can keep going.
“The river took everything,” said pastor Doroteo from Aguacatan. “They lost the investment, the work, and they don’t have a means to sustain themselves now because their hope was in the harvest.”
Doroteo reported that some of the families who lost so much have turned to Christ in their loss, but others are looking to travel to the United States for job opportunities as they try to start over. Still others have tried to forget their loss by turning to alcohol.
Responding to the need for food in two different communities, Reach World Mission teamed up with ASELSI — a local ministry partner — to deliver food bags in two hard-hit communities. Through local pastors these food bags were distributed to where the need was greatest.
Doroteo said he and the families are thankful for those who brought help and that he is committed to help the hard hit families rise up again.
Even with the immediate need for food taken care of, the long-term need for housing, jobs, and restoring hope with a focus on Christ will take months if not years to be completed.
Storm damage was not limited to private property, there were also several bridges that were washed away including a major bridge outside of the town of Cunen, where a bridge on the main road was undermined by rushing water and turned into a pile of rubble.
With help from supporters like you, we were able to help provide 60 food bags as well as help deliver clothes to families in flood and damaged zones.
We continue to be in touch with pastor Doroteo to evaluate future needs among those impacted by the storms. If you would like to help us provide food and other resources to families in need, please consider a financial donation.
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