We, Michael and Chrisi Shead, are independent missionaries. Our financial support comes from churches and friends who share our vision of taking the hope of Jesus Christ to reach the world.
Three ways to support us and receive a tax-deductible receipt are:
GIVE ONLINEClick on the “donate” button to give via Paypal or use a credit card. If you have trouble, you may give via your PayPal account to “[email protected].” | SCHEDULE A MONTHLY GIFT
| BY MAILPlease make checks out to “Reach World Mission.” Note “Shead–Guatemala” in the memo and mail your gift to: Reach World Mission2468 Cavalry Rd.Garland, KS 66741 |
Click here for other ways to support
the Sheads and Reach World Mission through
- For the Guatemalan people; that they will know Christ’s love through us.
- For God’s wisdom, understanding, and favor.
- For healthy bodies, open hearts, and wise minds to make good use of every opportunity that God gives us.
Do you have a prayer need? Send us a note to let us know how we can pray for you.
The ministry we work with has some of the most organized team activities we’ve ever seen! If you want to take your family or church group on a mission trip, contact us and we’ll help you discover how this life-changing outreach can become a reality by putting you in touch with ASELSI’s Team Leaders.
There are great opportunities for teams to come to Guatemala to help with medical, construction, outreaches, children’s outreaches and more. Want to bring a team to Guatemala? Contact us if you are interested in coming to see what ministry on the foreign field is like!
There are many different options:
- Medical Clinics
- Feeding Programs
- Public Sharing of the Gospel of Christ
- Construction Projects
- Children outreaches
Contact: [email protected]
NOTE: When we are collecting funds for a specific project, if fund raising surpasses the needs of that particular project, any funds raised over that amount will be used for other projects in line with the purpose of this ministry — to take the hope of Jesus Christ to the nations.