The culmination of three weeks of training over 60 youth leaders here in Chichicastenango came in the form of an evangelism concert with eight churches, three bands, two former gang members, a dance crew and prizes but most of all, the life-changing Gospel presented to over 400 who attended!
Here’s an update I posted on Facebook while at the concert:
“I’m standing here, with earplugs in, yet hearing the evangelism concert quite clearly as tears run down my cheeks. I see youth of our community dancing and shouting praises to our great and mighty God. God is doing something here in Chichi and I’m so glad that I get to be a little part of His great big plan!”
With the hard work and help of eight summer interns from Oral Roberts University, we were helping to train some 60 youth leaders from local churches at ASELSI. (See more on that story here.) After the three weeks of training, we wanted the youth leaders to see how they can reach out to their own community when they work together. Thus, the “GRAN EVENTO” or evangelism concert was born!

Through contacts at a local church, the local municipal government donated the use of a concert hall and we recruited three bands who could rock out with worship. Chepé the national coordinator for ASELSI’s Bible school, connected us with two former gang members who prior to accepting Christ
would have arch enemies. They turned out to be the perfect fit for sharing how Christ changes lives and demonstrating our theme of unity!
With much prayer and planning we gathered donations from local restaurants and prizes to raffle off to the crowd and the event kicked off at 5:30 on June 8!
After two bands played, the former gang members shared about how their lives had been transformed by the power and about 10 people dedicated their lives to Christ. Nine of them left us their contact information so they can be discipled and grow in their faith.
The final three songs were a combination of the three bands playing together in another demonstration of unity. By about 9:45 p.m. we had to shut the concert down and clean up, but our hearts were full and we left energetic to see how God is changing lives here in Chichicastenango.
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