Did you know that Guatemalan believers are following the Great Commission and going to the nations? Yes! They are. And we delivered 600 copies of our Adventures in the Bible minibooks to an agency that is focusing on developing Guatemalan missions. Hudson and Michael delivered the books to the director of the Guatemalan Missions Agency …
Training teachers to disciple kids
In the neighborhood of Chulumal III sits a church building where the Gethsemane Methodist Church meets. It is nearly surrounded by a grassy yard that is often trampled by the feet of kids and adults who come to learn, share, and grow together. In January, Michael lead a group of about 16 church leaders in …
Encouraging leaders at a local church.
Michael taught a class on the importance of vision and working together at a meeting of the 2022 teachers for IgleKids (Kids Church) at Iglesia Algo Nuevo, Chichicastenango. I love the heart these teachers have for kids!
Online classes reaching three countries
While students can’t attend classes in-person right now in Guatemala, we continue teaming up with the Guatemalan ministry of ASELSI to continue teaching about Jesus. This month, Michael has been co-teaching the Life of Christ I class in an online format that has students from Guatemala, Mexico and Venezuela. The four-week class has a live …
A much needed resource
I was recently talking with some of my friends in Guatemala about how Spanish speakers are all over the world. They responded something like, “We are everywhere!” It’s true. Spanish speakers can be found all over the world and they tend to build communities wherever they go. In those communities across Latin American and other …
Teaching the Old Testament
Michael is teaching a class on the Old Testament with both in-person classes and an online segment as we continue finding ways to reach out and build up leaders with Bible training during COVID-19 restrictions. There are 15 students in Michael’s class with about 35 others studying with ASELSI in various levels of the Bible …
Hot off the presses!
We are putting the principles from God’s Word in the hands and hearts of children and churches with the new Bible story booklet we published this year. Just before Christmas, we picked up the first 2,000 copies of our Bible lesson book 16 Adventures in the Bible in Guatemala City and started distributing them. After …
Teaching money management
Money isn’t easy to come by in Lemoa–a small farming community about 20 minutes down the road from Chichicastenango in the mountains of Guatemala–for that matter neither are stable jobs or education (if you want to study anything past the sixth grade). Yet, in this village one church is training a team of young adults …
Training the local church with communication tools for today’s world.
In July a group of youth leaders from a nearby church asked us if we would help train them on using technology and communications tools and skills for the church.With some basic training on video editing and design tools, they are off to a great start. Now we are working on project planning to help with …
Training the local church with communication tools for today’s world.Read More
Tools for Kids Ministry
Actively writing, praying, dreaming, helping, and preparing — that’s what we’ve been doing when it comes to making good use of this “time-out” due to the COVID-19 virus. Besides helping a local ministry with online Bible classes and some limited distribution of food supplies that we’ve been doing, we have been using this time to …