We are discovering more about Jesus and Jesus’ followers through New Testament stories. With our Thursday group of pre-teens and teens, we’ve been reading through the The Action Bible New Testament with each person getting a chance to read some of the story. This allows those who want to read a chance to practice in …
Artwork for Bible resources
The right artwork is important for any project and helps turn a text-heavy project into an attractive book, course or resource. In the process of helping a Guatemalan Bible institute with their curriculum updates, I found these resources that can help provide artwork for a variety of resources at low or no cost. I’m listing …
Learning with others and from others
When we found out about a seminar for children’s ministry here in Guatemala, we are excited to see that other ministries are training up children’s ministry leaders too! Michael took four children’s ministry volunteers from a church here in Chichicastenango to learn at the 4-day seminar. The seminar was about held about 2 hours away …
Manualidad: La Resurrección
Celebramos la resurrección de Jesucristo con este manualidad demonstrando la resurrección de Jesús de la muerte y la tumba vacia. Encuentra la historia aquí descargar la manualidad aquí.
Games: Hula hoops
Here are a variety of games that use hula hoops.
Equipping others to share Christ with city kids
In late November we were heard about a church that was looking for coloring books to use for a Christmas kids outreach and we thought about our Bible adventures. We sent them a note about our Bible Adventure books and explained that they are more than a coloring book because these booklets include Bible stories, …
Manualidad: Celebrando el nacimiento de Jesús
Descargar la manualidad AQUÍ Si buscas materiales para enseñar a los niños, visita el link para historias del nacimiento de Jesús y más aquí.
Fun crafts with a big purpose
The Adventures in the Bible that we wrote and distribute in book form as well as in downloadable PDFs are being distributed in Guatemala and in more than 30 countries online. As we continue making these Bible stories available to churches and ministries we saw another way to help share the stories further…crafts. While typical …
Our DiscipleTec crew
Here are some of our DiscipleTec guys who gather at our house on Thursdays to study God’s Word together. These guys have grown up in our weekly Bible study and continue to hang out with us, learn and help with a variety of activities. They often join us for supper and we’ve been able to …
Celebrating Bible school graduates
In November Michael traveled to Stuart, Florida, to be part of a Bible school graduation for students who study with the extension of ASELSI — the Bible training center we are part of here in Guatemala. Twelve students graduated from the two-year program and three graduated from the fourth year of the program. Please pray …