Our dirt yard has become a center for teaching kids about following Jesus through what we call the “Little Disciples” weekly Bible study, but we’ve seen the older kids needing something more to keep growing. Earlier this month we started a more focused Bible study with the kids 12 years and older. We call this …
Games for Kids Ministry
Keeping the attention of children is often a challenge. There is so much energy bottled up in a kid that it may seem a bit like a nuclear power plant…the energy seems endless and if it’s not handled right it can cause an “explosion” of chaos. That doesn’t mean that one must use heavy handed …
He burst into tears for his daughter.
Sebastian is a local construction worker who we have known for several years. He recently came to our house and asked to talk to Michael. As they chatted, he burst into tears and explained that his 18-year-old daughter with special needs had been severely burned in an kitchen accident. She was cooking on a traditional …
Giving Our Best Gift to Jesus
Since 2005, we’ve been connected with a Guatemalan ministry in one way or another. After moving to Guatemala in 2011, we started serving alongside the ministry of ASELSI. One of the biggest evangelistic events of the year is the annual Christmas Party. This year, we were invited to lead the children’s story time of …
Games: Balloon Stomp
A great game for groups of 5 to 100+. 1) Use yarn to tie an inflated balloon to all participant’s ankle with a piece of yarn. 2) Explain the designated area (depending on size of your group) 3) Say “Go.” 4) Everyone tries to stomp on the balloon of everybody else. 5) When …
A “Sticky” Christmas Party
It was a “sticky” Christmas Party this year at the Little Disciples Bible Study. Kids started showing up at 2 p.m. — some to play in the yard and others to help make Christmas cookies and practice their part in the Christmas drama. By 4 p.m. things were in full swing and we kicked off …
Don’t Take the Bait!
Using a fishing lure and a make shift fishing pole, Michael taught the kids at the Little Disciples Bible Study about avoiding temptations. Afterwards we made a fish craft project that was provided by a friend who works at Home Depot in the USA. The kids loved it! Here are some photos from the activity:
Running short on Bible study space
It is now rainy season and afternoons tend to get pretty wet around here. That makes a difference for us especially on Wednesday afternoons when we hold our weekly Bible study. We use to fit the kids inside the house, but the group of kids and a few adults has out grown the space we have. …
Video: Helping Train Leaders in Mexico City
In May, Michael travelled to Mexico where he taught workshops at an ASELSI mini conference and helped with a graduation of 10 students who completed a two-year high school level of Bible training. It is exciting to see how these students are excited about sharing Christ with others. Click the image above to view the video.