We are moving forward with the Adventures in the Bible book project that we designed and wrote to help churches and ministries disciple children. The book consists of coloring pages and stories from the Bible along with, interactive questions and lessons to help the readers learn and apply God’s word in their hearts and lives. …
Willing learners
A rural church is leading classes and workshops to train rural teens for a better future. On the outskirts of the town of Lemoa, a dusty gravel road leads to a tidy little church building where a group of 11 students are being discipled in God’s word and taught practical skills that are designed to …
Online courses keep Bible classes running
In what normally would be in-person classes, Michael is video teaching the second part of the Life and Ministry of Christ class with ASELSI — the local ministry we’ve been working with for nearly nine years. There are 16 students in this 12-week class for first-year students studying in ASELSI’s Bible classes. More students are …
Training the local church with communication tools for today’s world.
In July a group of youth leaders from a nearby church asked us if we would help train them on using technology and communications tools and skills for the church.With some basic training on video editing and design tools, they are off to a great start. Now we are working on project planning to help with …
Training the local church with communication tools for today’s world.Read More
Tools for Kids Ministry
Actively writing, praying, dreaming, helping, and preparing — that’s what we’ve been doing when it comes to making good use of this “time-out” due to the COVID-19 virus. Besides helping a local ministry with online Bible classes and some limited distribution of food supplies that we’ve been doing, we have been using this time to …
Every Opportunity…
Corona Virus. COVID-19. Quarantine. Social distancing. CLOSED. CANCELED. These are challenging times, but we can face them without fear. We can stand with strength to not just make the best of things, but to make things better. Let us not be satisfied with getting back to normal, but to make a new tomorrow that’s more …
Little Disciples Christmas Party
We celebrated Christmas with the Little Disciples and taught them about the the greatest gift. Using the story of the boy who gave the loaves and fish to Jesus, we taught about giving our best gift to Christ. We also reminded them of the story of the Gift that God sent to us in Christ …
Pocohil I: Children’s Service
For the second year, a church out in the mountains overlooking Chichicastenango invited us to come and preach at the closing service for their Vacation Bible School (School summer break is from Oct.-Jan. here in Guatemala.) We came prepared. Chrisi led active praise songs with actions and Michael led a attention-grabbing game before launching into …
Little Disciples
The Little Disciples is a group of kids who meet in our yard each Wednesday to play, learn Bible stories together and to grow in the principles found in the Bible. Check out some pictures of the Little Disciples in action! Consider donating to help us continue the work to disciple this generation in Guatemala.
Sharing Jesus Stories
Lesly has been coming to the Little Disciples for four years. Lesly is 12. She has a tough family life, but she often comes to our house after school to eat supper with us, listen to family devotions, chat with Chrisi, and play with the kids. She said kids at school spend break time looking …