In late November we were heard about a church that was looking for coloring books to use for a Christmas kids outreach and we thought about our Bible adventures. We sent them a note about our Bible Adventure books and explained that they are more than a coloring book because these booklets include Bible stories, …
Manualidad: Celebrando el nacimiento de Jesús
Descargar la manualidad AQUÍ Si buscas materiales para enseñar a los niños, visita el link para historias del nacimiento de Jesús y más aquí.
Our DiscipleTec crew
Here are some of our DiscipleTec guys who gather at our house on Thursdays to study God’s Word together. These guys have grown up in our weekly Bible study and continue to hang out with us, learn and help with a variety of activities. They often join us for supper and we’ve been able to …
Special game day for the Little Disciples
With the help of a team from Grace Fellowship Church in Arkansas, we held a special game day for the Little Disciples Bible Study. The kids had a great time and learned the Gospel message too! Check out the video!
A visitor from Cuba
We recently had a special visitor. Pastor Hector is a Guatemalan who lives and pastors a church in Cuba. Michael has visited his church in Cuba several times and when Hector is in Guatemala, we enjoy having him stay with us as he travels through the area. This time Hector shared with the kids at …
Workshops: Encouraging, training, and equipping kids’ ministries
The Power of the Holy Spirit Church is located in the older part of Chichicastenango–an area of town known for it’s cantinas. While this church is located in a part of town where those who drank too much at the cantina can be found passed out along the sidewalk, this church has a vision to …
Workshops: Encouraging, training, and equipping kids’ ministriesRead More
Worship dance for Jesus
Chrisi and the kids were invited to lead a worship dance class at the rural educational center that is part of the ministry of fellow missionaries, the Rojas family. With about 26 kids and adult in attendance plus our own family, Chrisi led the kids in a series of choreographed dances to worship songs. After …
Teaching distance Bible courses with ASELSI
In July, Michael finished teaching a Bible class on the Christian Family with the Guatemalan Bible institute at ASELSI. Now he’s co-teaching an online class with a pastor friend. The class is on the Holy Spirit and has students from Mexico, Venezuela and Guatemala. Pray for these students and for Michael as they explore Scripture …
DiscipleTec: Discipling young leaders
In any ministry there are those who come and go, and there are those who stick around. We’ve got a few of those sticky ones. Elvis, Hector and Gustavo are three of the “stick-around” types in our ministry. They lived in our neighborhood for years and attended the small elementary school together a few blocks …
Bible-based values for schools
Chicua III is a small community nestled in the hills about 30 minutes outside of Chichicastenago in the western mountains of Guatemala. Recently we got lost trying to use a digital map to find this community so we asked some of the friendly locals. They directed us to leave the paved highway behind as we …