In mid-January our friend, Juana, who helps Chrisi and is teaching Hudson to speak K’iche’ called us to tell us her 25-year-old cousin, Sebastiana, died after giving birth to her second child — a healthy baby boy. We were heartbroken at this loss that is more common that it should be here in the mountains …
Discipleship: Luis the Intern
Discipleship in Action Luis is studying in our intern program learning how to minister and grow in Christ. Luis was orphaned as a child. As a young teen he joined a gang and learned to steal and survive on the streets of Guatemala City. About three years ago, he was invited to church. That night …
Preparing a short-term mission team
I received an email the other day from California asking what my recommendations are for preparing a group of teenagers to go on a two week mission trip to Guatemala. Here’s what I told them: Glad to hear that a group is coming to serve here in Guatemala! Your question about preparing this team is …
An Update: Rosa’s Foot
We first met Rosa nearly two years ago. She was a joyful, but shy eleven-year-old girl who hobbled along on a bent left foot. Because of her twisted foot, her parents had never sent her to school and she only spoke a few words of Spanish since she’d never had the opportunity to …
Great Missionary Quotes
Since we’ve been posting missionary (or related) quotes that we found inspiring on Facebook. I thought we’d share these quotes here for anyone who wants to have them more easily accessible. I will try and reference my sources as much as I can! “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in …
Tomas and his rubber pants.
Tomas was born with legs that don’t work. His legs don’t work, but he does. Ever since he was strong enough to pull himself around on his arms, Tomas has been on the move. He learned to beg and earned enough to keep himself fed. Using a bicycle horn, he get’s peoples attention and pulls …
Raindrops and mudslides
In Chichicastenango, it’s finally nearing the end of a tough rainy season that has cost lives and destroyed infrastructure that is vital to the everyday life of the people here. After getting off to a slow start, the rainy season came on strong in September with torrential rains that swept away more than the lingering …
Visiting the USA
Kansas & Oklahoma Sept. 5 Christians On Campus (Fort Scott Community College) 7 p.m. Student Union, Bailey Hall Sept. 8 Life Park Christian Fellowship 10 a.m. 5900 S Union Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 Sept. 9 Gathering* at Joel & Mitzi Ray’s Home 6:30 p.m. 6219 S. 28th W Ave. Tulsa, OK Sept. 11 Gathering* at …
Milk Program stories: 2 years, 17 pounds
At the ASELSI Milk Program, Chrisi works with many very malnourished babies and children every week. At the clinic, we help provide these young ones with formula or milk, vitamin fortified health drinks, cereals and a months supply of vitamins. We measure and weigh these children every month as well as assess them for any …
Schedule for visiting the USA
We’re coming to visit you! Check out our calendar for an event near you and come see us! We’d love to reconnect with you while we’re visiting or speaking in your area. We’ve been in Guatemala for almost three years now, and we make an annual trip to the States to fund raise, visit family …