Money isn’t easy to come by in Lemoa–a small farming community about 20 minutes down the road from Chichicastenango in the mountains of Guatemala–for that matter neither are stable jobs or education (if you want to study anything past the sixth grade). Yet, in this village one church is training a team of young adults …
The Little Disciples are back!
After nine months of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Little Disciples Bible study has re-opened! We are glad to see many of those children who were here before returning and new students joining us as well. Back in mid-March, businesses, ministries and schools were forced to close across Guatemala as the nation went …
Not a silent night…
Here in Guatemala “Silent Night” and nice poems about the night before Christmas when “no one was stirring” do not fit with the Christmas culture around us. Here, many families stay up late making traditional tamales and then blasting the midnight sky with fireworks in displays that would fit right in with many fourth of …
The adventures continue
We are moving forward with the Adventures in the Bible book project that we designed and wrote to help churches and ministries disciple children. The book consists of coloring pages and stories from the Bible along with, interactive questions and lessons to help the readers learn and apply God’s word in their hearts and lives. …
Willing learners
A rural church is leading classes and workshops to train rural teens for a better future. On the outskirts of the town of Lemoa, a dusty gravel road leads to a tidy little church building where a group of 11 students are being discipled in God’s word and taught practical skills that are designed to …
We haven’t had electricity in…forever.
Tomas and his family of nine live on the side of a large hill less than a mile up a narrow road from our house where we’ve visited them two or three times to chat, pray for them, and to encourage their son who has been part of our Bible Study. Despite many conversations with …
An answered prayer
It was Thursday when Katí and her little brother, Victor, were carrying a small bag as they trudged down the gravel road on their way to the main highway that cuts through the Guatemalan countryside near the village of Lemoa. In their bag they had a white flag–a symbol that shows they are begging for …
Online courses keep Bible classes running
In what normally would be in-person classes, Michael is video teaching the second part of the Life and Ministry of Christ class with ASELSI — the local ministry we’ve been working with for nearly nine years. There are 16 students in this 12-week class for first-year students studying in ASELSI’s Bible classes. More students are …
Mixed Signals
Guatemala continues moving forward through the COVID-19 challenges that began here in mid-March. Restrictions with nightly curfews (9 p.m. – 4 a.m.) are in place and every municipality has it’s own color-coded level of restrictions. This pathwork of differences across Guatemala make things not always clear whether things are getting better or worse when it …
Update on the Adventures Book
In the longer-than-we-thought-it-would-be-but-worth-it editing process for the children’s curriculum and resource book we are writing, we got our 10 prototypes back from the printer and out to key people who are editing or giving feedback.