Saturday morning, June 14, we were blessed with the birth of our third child, a little girl named Israela Victoria. She was born at 6:46 a.m., in the town of San Cristobal on the outskirts of Guatemala City, Guatemala. She weighed in at 7 pounds 1 ounce and she’s 19.5 inches long. See more photos here.
Chrisi and Israela are both doing fantastic! After about 3.5 hours of contractions at home, Chrisi called the midwife who made her way to our borrowed apartment where Israela Victoria was born. Chrisi had a total of 4.75 hours of labor (We prayed that the labor would be 5 hours or less and this was definitely God’s divine intervention because Chrisi had a 31 hour labor with Hudson and a 12 and a half hour labor with Jubilee.) I was part of the delivery supporting her while she did all the real work. Hudson & Jubilee stayed with our helper and friend, Juana, as she pushed them around the neighborhood in our double stroller. After Israela was born, I got to cut the umbilical cord and hold her. It was an amazing experience for us to share this time in the quiet environment of our temporary home in the city.
Israela (Pronounced like “Is-ry-ella”) is a feminized form of the Hebrew word meaning “Rules with God” or “God’s Vicarious Governor” Victoria is the Spanish word for victory and was chosen after her paternal grandmother.

In July we complete three and a half years as missionaries in this nation and God has blessed us with the wonder of three children all born here in Guatemala. As I cuddled Israela in my arms, I spoke this blessing over our little daughter:
“You are a princess in our family, gentle and strong. You are a victorious ruler who serves at God’s side.
May God make you like the wise women of old:
Selfless like Rebekah, who served others with an open heart and stepped willingly into God’s plan for her. (Genesis 24)
Wise like Deborah, who led her people into victory. (Judges 4)
Faithful like Ruth, who followed Naomi to a new land and found the resurrection of a dream for her family. (Ruth 1:16-17)
Beautiful and brave like Esther, who stood before a king and saved an entire people group. (Esther 4:16)
Willing to serve God like Mary, who followed God’s plan despite the ridicule and pain that came with it. (Luke 1:38)
A team player and disciple-maker like Priscilla, who served with her husband and helped lead the early church. (Acts 18)
And a pure, ready bride like the Church waiting for her coming Groom. (Revelations)
Walk in gentleness and preserve discretion in your words and your manners as you lead.
Follow the example of the woman of Proverbs 31. Know the Word, and live by it.
Follow Christ with your whole heart, learn His ways through His Word and the blessing of God will come upon you and overtake you.
You will acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct you. (Prov. 3:6)
Serve the LORD your God and you will be blessed in your bread and water and sickness will be far from you (Ex. 23:25)
You are blessed wherever you are and the fruit you produce of body, crops, herds and investments will be blessed and endure through every season. Your ideas will be fruitful and you will see the results of God’s blessing on your life. You will be a woman who pursues God’s heart and a blessing will be on you when you come and when you go. (Deut. 28)
The Lord bless you and establish you as His princess, called to His holy purpose. May your spirit, mind and countenance be bright with the light of God’s Word.
As you grow in stature, may you grow in wisdom and favor with God and man. (Luke 2:52)
May God shine His face toward you and show you favor. (Num. 6:25)
May you be filled with the knowledge of Christ’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding (Col. 1:9)
Follow the Lord with all your heart, my daughter.
Be a woman of prayer and a pursuer of righteousness. Be quick to follow Holy Spirit’s lead.
You are blessed so be a blessing.”

Thank you to all who prayed for us during this time!
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